
Weekly Small Group Prep 2/16/25

Dear NBC Family,

Please find attached a Weekly document that will help you better study and apply God's Word.

This week Pastor Dusty Burris will be preaching out of Hebrews 12:25-29.
This includes:
  1. Sermon Preparation help - so that you are familiar with and ready to dive deeper into the passage that we will study through this Sunday
  2. Small Group Preparation - discussion questions that will help us apply God's word together
  3. Bible Memorization content - verses and book themes for the month
  4. REACH ministry ideas - the monthly ideas so we can all plan ahead to prioritize evangelism in our community.

Serving Christ alongside of you!

Drew Michael

Weekly Questions: Hebrews 12:25-29

Preparation for Sunday Worship:
  • Pray for God to illuminate the truth of His word and apply it to your own heart.
  • Read Hebrews 12 from start to finish in one sitting
  • Read Hebrews 12:25-29 five additional times

*Optional Preparation for Sunday: Use www.blueletterbible.org for word study
  1. Identify at least three key words in this passage? Why are these words important to the meaning of the text?
  2. Identify the verbs and find their tense (past, present, etc..) and voice (active / passive / middle)?
  3. What conclusions can you draw from the verb tense and voice?
  4. Summarize this passage, in your own words, into one sentence.

*Optional Deeper Study:
  • Block Diagram these verses.
  • Read 2-3 commentaries on this text.
  • Do an in-depth word study of the key terms you listed.

Monthly REACH Theme: Neighbors
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